What are the key aspects of an acquisitions?

Our services are always made individually for the customers needs. There are different aspects that affect the acquisition. These are for example.. 

  • Is it a stock transaction or a business transaction?

  • Is it a gift, an inheritance or a will? 

  • Acquisitions and redemptions of limited liability companies' own shares and share exchanges 

  • Generational transfer relief 

  • Price formation / Company’s value

  • Tax aspects 

Generational transfer and owner changes

Changes in the ownership are significant turning points in the lifecycle of a company. When the ownership is changing, it is wise to consult an expert right from the beginning. Well-made acquisitions often require the opinion of an expert.


In a generational transfer, the common errors can be avoided by contacting a specialist early on. We will clarify possible needs for pre-measures such as division and merger.

When needed, we assist in the planning and implementation of a share transaction, purchase of own shares, business transaction, donation, share exchange, other transfer or corporate reorganization. In more difficult cases we seek complementary expertise from our extensive network of partners.

Coordination and anticipation of accounting, legal matters and taxation is important. An experienced expert can also take into account emotional challenges related to acquisitions and generational change.

Acquisitions and generational changes are important events in a company's lifecycle, so it’s wise to plan them well with experienced specialists.

In our team Antti Rantalainen and Eelis Salo have a lot of experience in planning and implementing acquisitions and reorganizations as well as generational changes.

Any questions? Send a message!